Is it time to start building?

- 10 Chicken Coop Plans
- Tips and Building Basics
- 349 Illustrations
BONUS #1: Chicken Breed Guide
BONUS #2: Selling Your Excess Eggs
BONUS #3: Common Chicken Diseases
BONUS #4: Starter Guide to Raising Chickens
Testimonials from Customers
My wife and I decided we would try the chicken thing about 2 years ago, with a little help from her sister. That's a story within itself. I started doing some research, and came upon John's website.
Kenneth Lang
I looked through all the plans and found one I liked, so I purchased it. The beauty of these plans is, with a little know how and imagination, you can easily build your own, professional looking, coop. You can also use the basic design and tweak it to fit your needs and/or tastes. I built my first coop in 1 weekend.
I liked doing it so much, I turned it into a side business, and have built approximately 20 coops since."
We redesigned the roofline to cover the nests. Added the chicken door out of the run. Installed roosts on hinges so they could be easily lifted your cleaning.
Jerry NeSmith
The addition of a chicken electric fence made it all work very well. The chickens are happy and so are we."
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