Cost and difficulty of plans

Welcome! Forums General Construction Questions Cost and difficulty of plans

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  John White 10 years ago.

  • Author
  • #1011

    Natalie Atkison

    Hi! I know that on a few of the plans information is given on the general estimated costs and on some of them it says only for intermediate to advanced carpenters, but not all of the plans have this information. I need some help in this department. I have very little carpentry skills and a small buget. What is the easiest and most affordable coop to build? (aside from the one that is all wire) Help here would be much appreciated. I only have 6 chickens right now but plan to have 10-12.


  • #1013

    John White

    Hi Natalie,

    I would recommend you go with either the Wheeler Coop or alternatively the Mobile Coop seeing as they’re my most popular and easiest to follow plans.

    Hope this helps!

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