Chicken coop sizes

Welcome! Forums General Construction Questions Chicken coop sizes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kenmlang 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #708

    amy evans

    I just joined this site, and I am very disappointed , there are no finished dimensions. Am I missing the finished size? It would be nice to have each size written next to each example photo. I am looking to build a tall enough coop to walk in.

  • #881


    Amy, ideally, the size of the coop is relative to the amount of chickens you have. For example, if you have 6 birds, a 4′ wide x 4′ long x 4′ high coop is ideal. T reason for this is for warmth in the winter months. I realize you want to stand up and walk in your coop, but the roosting area needs to be relatively small, so the birds’ body heat can keep them warm.

    The great thing about John’s plans is, you can pretty much make them any size you want. When you follow the plans he has, withthe inside dimensions, you can figure out the finished size according to what size (thickness) siding you use. For example; If you build a 4’w x4’l x4’h inside dimensions, and use 3/4″ thick siding, the finished size will be 4’1.5″w x 4’1.5″l. The height will bee determined by how high you raise it off the ground. If you are wanting to build a shed with a coop inside, then, the best thing to do is keep the ceiling as low as possible, but high enough to walk into comfortably.

    If you check out the blog on this site, There is an article about my personal coop. I made the run 4′ tall, but it can be made tall enough to walk into. The name of the article is “Ken Lang’s Coop Project”. I hope this helped, if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer them if I can. Ken

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