What’s Cookin’ At ChickenCoopGuides.com!

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So as some of you may have noticed, we have a new website. And we have a ‘we’, too! Let me run everyone through some of the changes that are happening at CCG.com.

After a lot of thinking, I realized that I really needed a staff to help me with fielding emails and things. I like to keep things personal and real. I hate stiff automatic sounding form emails when I email someone so the last thing I wanted was to do that to someone else. All the general help questions will now be addressed by the ladies I hired.

I am still here and any comment or question that is directly addressed to me they know to forward to my email. Not only that, but they aren’t chickensperts so any chicken related question goes right to me. Just please be patient with this old fella because I have a lot of new stuff brewing for you folks, but I still want to see you taken care of well.

That leads me to the fun new stuff.

Not only is there a spankin’ new website and awesome new package plan, but I have something extra special I’ve been working on for a couple of months.

Every day I get emails from subscribers and members alike asking questions about chicken rearing or a comment about some new thing I’m telling you about like olive oil scams. Some questions I get all the time and then others I have to step back and say ‘that’s a good one!’.

Here’s where I need your help.

I know you all have a million questions about chickens, poultry, rabbits (yep gotten those, too), cows, natural health, and anything else you could imagine. Can you think of some of the top questions you’d like addressed by myself or a panel of experts in the field? Got them in your mind? Good! Now just fill out the form at the end of this blog post and send it to me!

“Why are we doing this, John?”

Oh yeah, the important part. Podcasts!

Starting the first week of June (date to be announced) I’ll be doing monthly podcasts where we answer your questions. I also hope to invite various experts about various subjects (although let’s be honest, it’s going to be 70-80% chickens) to speak and also answer your questions.

So get those questions to me now. And while you’re at it, tell me who you want to hear from. Do you have a farm related expert you’d like to grill? Chickenspert? Favorite natural health guru? Tell me who you want to hear from and what you want to ask them. I’m going to collect these questions and comments to make the very first podcast.

More details about this soon. I don’t know about you folks but I’m excited!

Have a fabulous week!



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