Chicken Watering Systems

DIY Watering Systems for Your Chicken Coop

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In your quest to get your chicken coop up and running for the season, you find yourself wondering about chicken coop watering systems. Sure, there are plenty of options available that may require you to shell out a pretty penny. However, there are plenty of DIY options for people like you who are interested in doing things their own way. Regardless of how you approach the task, here are some things you’ll want to consider.

Make a Plan or Find One

First, you’ll need a plan. You won’t get far with your project if you don’t have a good idea of where to start and finish. If you have experience creating and designing plans for different types of structures, then you may not need to do as much research as someone who has considerably less experience. Look online for watering system designs and plans and check out a few books like our very own “DIY Chicken Coops.” You want to surround yourself with ideas so you can get your creative juices flowing.

Consider All Aspects of That Plan and Design

You’ve identified the primary function and need, but you should also consider the setbacks. One problem that many regular chicken waterers have is they allow fresh water to go stale and stagnant. They also provide an optimal breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Sure, you want your chickens to be able to drink water whenever they want, but you don’t want them to get sick from doing so. Also, some consideration needs to be given to the time of year. During the colder months, there is the risk of your chickens’ water freezing. Depending on your skills and design plans, you may be able to circumvent those problems.

There really is no right or wrong way to approach the task at hand. Some strategies can lead to a faster completion time and yield passable results. However, you want to do everything possible to get the right watering solution for your chickens on the first, second or third try. Remember, your coop’s design plays a major factor. If you have yet to let the chickens in to roost, inspect it with a critical eye before doing so. You need to decide where to set up the watering system.

The Nipple System Is a Great Option

One of the best DIY watering solutions for chickens involves the use of nipples. This gives them around-the-clock access to fresh water and prevents waste water and mold and bacteria growth. The way the nipple system works is once a chicken lightly presses the nipple pin, water dribbles out. When pressure is no longer being applied or the pin is no longer being moved, the watering system is sealed back up until the next chicken decides to drink from it. You don’t need many supplies for this project. Just grab a few PVC pipes, some pipe elbows, the right tools and a three-to-five-gallon bucket depending on the number of chickens you have, and you’re good to go.

When it comes to DIY watering systems for your chicken coop, don’t hesitate to experiment with different setups periodically and to revamp old designs as often as needed. Doing so will improve the appearance, function and safety of your chicken coop.

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